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Fourth Quarter

As we approach October 1st, it is officially about to be fourth quarter. This is the time of year where I advise all of my friends to take a few days and detox. I went to the store with daughter and she made a great observation. She asked why the employee’s were already putting out Christmas decorations and it’s not even October yet. I told her that in order to move forward its best to prepare for the expectations ahead. As humans its natural to wait until it's “time” to do something that we want to do. I however am challenging you to be like the retail industry and prepare, prepare, PREPARE! Here are a few tips to help shift your goals and expectations in the fourth quarter:

1.Take some time to reflect- Reflect on the good and bad moments of the year. Ask yourself what you could've done better or what you feel like was better than last year. Write it down and create a strategy. Remember you are a brand and your brand needs strategy.

2.Detox- Detox everything in your life. Clear your mind so you can focus on your future self. Detox from your friends,social media, food, anything that you can think of, cleanse it.

3.Write the vision- whatever it is you want to do in the next year write it DOWN! Breaking down your goals in 30-60-90-180-365 days are always good ways to help put things into perspective and make your goals seem more attainable.

If you ladies need more tips or advice feel to follow your girl Jay Blake on IG @xjayblake! Until next time and in the words of the great Uncle Luke, “ Don’t stop get it, get it.” Let’s go kill this fourth quarter ladies!


-a media girl

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