Written by: Brittany Cheri

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be in a room with talented, experienced and powerful women just to soak up their knowledge? Well, the Monetizing Your Digital Space was just that!

Moderated by Anisa Brenee, a bubbly media personality and entertainment host, asked the perfect questions that every entrepreneur, blogger and the like needed to know. The gem- dropping panelists were Lakia Starks, a producer with Fox 5 Atlanta, LaPorsche Thomas, news anchor with NBC Atlanta, brand strategist Felicia Shakespeare, social media influencer Nadirah Ali, marketing specialist Ashley Nicole, and Bri Renee of Streetz 94.5 radio.
Each of the ladies delivered solid, genuine and straight forward advice on growing your audience, the importance of engaging with your audience, learning how to define your core audience and how to cater to them, as well as some ideas on how to generate that income using your social media, because obviously that is what the entire world is trying to figure out.
Gallery Photos - Shot by: Amber Steward, @ameeraonthewall
Needless to say, if you missed out on this knowledge goldmine panel, you truly missed out on an experience.
Stay tuned for a recap video of the panel and if you want to pick these ladies brains or become a new client of theirs, see their information below!
@lakia4real @laporschespeakstv @iamashleynicolee @nadirah.ali @bristhename @feliciashakespeare