Written by: Brittany Cheri

I think its safe to say that everyone's favorite First Lady was and will forever be the Dr. Michelle Obama!
Not only is Dr. Obama known for being the First Lady she was never in the shadow of her husband President Barack Obama, who is undoubtedly the best president that the United States has ever had. Sure there are people that beg to differ, however majority rules folks!
Dr. Obama has been the most active and prestigious First Lady in history!
For her amazing accomplishments and consistent hard work through the world, from her Let's Move! challenge in 2010, The School Lunch Program supported by several companies in the health industry, launched two app MyPlate and MiPlato, building and refurbishing tennis courts across the country along side the US Tennis Association, launched Joining Forces with Dr. Jill Biden, an initiative to support the service members, veterans and their families, launched the Reach Higher Initiative and Let Girls Learn nationwide. Let's not forget her best-selling memoir "Becoming" that shot to number one and being voted the woman most admired by Americans in 2018, knocking Hillary Clinton from the top spot after 17 years!
All around Dr. Michelle Obama is featured for her accomplishments and overall character, she deserves this spotlight and recognition!