What does self-care mean to me? It’s when I protect my peace. Stopping negativity at the door and not letting my insecurities get in the way of achieving my goals. It all goes back to my blog post, “I love myself too much.” For me to fell and be at my best, my environment will always need to be positive. As women, we find ourselves doing everything for everyone else, and our needs are left on the back burner. I had the pleasure of interviewing two women from different backgrounds. I was curious to see how they incorporated self-care into their lives.
First up, we have La’keya Coleman. La’keya is a mother, full-time employee, newly engaged, and a nursing student. That’s right; my girl wears many hats as we all do. Self-care for La'keya is when she is “handling her business.” She is embarking on this new journey to marriage, and failure for her is not an option. So how does she manage her hectic schedule and still manage to reach her goals? La’keya takes out time in her week to self evaluate. It’s that simple! During her self evaluations, she checks to make sure she is taking the necessary actions to meet her weekly goals. If not, she makes changes immediately. Aside from her goal checking, she enjoys a good pedicure. I think her self-care regimen is one that I could adapt to.
Next up, we have Krystal Nykole. Krystal is a mother of two, makeup artist, and YouTuber. She explains that taking time out for you is essential. Being a YouTuber like with any other job can be stressful, and without the quality “me time,” she can be agitated, and it can even affect her performance on camera. So what does she do with that quality me-time? She loves to read self-help books. She is always looking for ways to perfect self-love. I have seen her grind over the years, and have witnessed a change in her with each milestone reached. Be sure to tune in on her channel Krystal Nykole.
As women, it is so essential to make sure that we take time out for ourselves. We have to make sure that we are getting the proper care that we need. As the saying goes, you can't pour from an empty cup. Join me here every Saturday where I will share tips, and my journey to incorporate self-care in my life as well. In the meantime, what are you doing to include self- care? Please leave comments below.
