If I had to describe my perfect Sunday it would consist of reading, tending to my hair needs, meal prepping, self-care, and music. Sundays are my favorite day of the week because they are a day of peace and allot time to prep for the week ahead. Since we’re all pretty much quarantined and the world is a lot quieter now, I can’t help but wonder is God is trying to tell us to treat our days like a Sunday? Should this time reflect a typical Sunday routine with infusions of a Sunday day party? Many of us are either working from home or are just at home, and with all of this confusion and uncertainty now is the perfect time to get our lives in order. In the midst of all of this chaos God is speaking to each and every one of us. He/She is literally putting our lives on pause which now allows us to perfect our crafts.
For us Media Girls -now that the festivals, events, and red carpets have all been canceled- this is the time for us to regroup and work on our own businesses. Silence breeds creativity and being that it is Spring, this is the time to birth fresh ideas and new content. In addition to working on our passion projects in this season we need to focus on our self-care. Our well being constantly takes a backset to our careers, families, and deadlines. But while we’re forced to be still we can begin to reflect on ourselves and pick up a new hobby. And we all know that none of these activities can be done without music to motivate us.
“Soul Sundays” emits a certain vibe that just feels like a Sunday. Each song is so special because of the arrangement of each instrument. I’ve always loved the sound of the horns and the trumpet is the main instrument in just about every song on this playlist. This calming yet rhythmic playlist will have you listening as you tend to chores, read, stretch, partake in a at home workout, cook, and everything else during this quarantine. Listen and enjoy as the trumpet takes the lead in this soulful playlist.
“Soul Sundays” can be downloaded on Apple Music and Tidal: