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The Pre-Game: Homecoming SZN Playlist

Written by: Samiayah Steward

October is here, so that means it’s officially homecoming season! In honor of all of the college homecomings and black alumni weekends approaching, I created the ultimate pre-game playlist. This playlist was curated with nostalgia and memories from my own college experience. Each song brings back a memory from some of the most craziest and best nights of my life. If you attended college during the years of 2008-2014 then you’ll share the same nostalgia I have hearing these songs. From the many club nights, fights, strolling, twerk sessions with your girls, and all the hazy nights in between this playlist will take you back in time.

I wanted this playlist to feel like you’re at your favorite college club. For me, this playlist takes me back to my days of clubbing in college at club 231 in Gadsden, AL. This eight hour playlist is sure to keep everyone listening turnt from beginning to end. It can be played during your pre-game, while you get dressed, at the tailgate, or stand in as the dj for your own house party or set. All you have to do is hit play or or shuffle and the playlist will do the rest of the work. I included songs from Travis Porter, Waka Flocka, Gucci Mane, and Nicki Minaj, which should give you an idea of the mood this playlist sets. This playlist literally never dies down. “The Pre-Game: Homecoming SZN” playlist needs to be in rotation at your next homecoming function. Just hit play and my pre-game playlist will make you feel like you never left college.

“The Pre-Game: Homecoming SZN” playlist can be downloaded on Apple Music and Tidal:

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